Hey man. Yo, T.O. I'm hungry bitch. What are you doing. Don't tell me you're sitting at Starbuck's again, trying to write your way out of Dallas. Do me a favor before you go? Put some food in my dish. Water in my bowl. Jolly my ass.
I called Romo and Witten. They were at IHOP drawing up plays brother. You got no one. Just me. Meow. Just come home and let me lay on you and make you clean up hairballs.
I really wished you turned off the TV. It doesn't soothe me. Thanks for leaving ESPN on. You are tired son!!!
I don't know why no one will come out and say it. They are cowards.
Here's the skinny:
You are a jerk. A low life. You kill every team you have ever played for. You are a cry baby and a sore loser. You are selfish, greedy, and have no idea what football is about. You are a pain in everyone's ass, and don't get me started on the Hall of Fame. Who's gonna vote for you. Meow. You care more about your media coverage than running crisp routes, and waiting for the ball to come your way. You're old too bro. You are getting soooo old. You don't have too much left in the tank. Everyone in the league hates you. Go dance with the stars or some shit. You haven't won a danm thing in your life and never will with your horribly childish attitude. Don't worry, Drew Rosenhaus loves you though. He will defend you to the end. The end of your dough. Meow.
I feel bad for Dallas. I mean, not that bad, they did have one of the best teams in the 90's. The gots lotsa Superbowls and are America's team. You gotta feel for Romo and Witten though. They look like they enjoy what they do. Even if you do have a great game, score a touchdown, and Dallas wins Sunday, it doesn't matter. You're like Dennis Rodman when he played for the Spurs. They'll win when you are gone.
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